Health & Wellness

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Our priority at Hope Springs is to help pet parents keep their pets as happy and healthy as possible. Anesthesia is an important part of veterinary care that should be respected and not feared.

Canine Influenza
Questions and answers about the dog flu affecting pets across the country. This highly contagious and, for some dogs, potentially serious respiratory infection is called canine influenza virus H3N2, or CIV H3N2 for short.

Bad Dog Breath? Early dental care may prevent big problems.
We all love spending good quality time with our beloved pets, but nothing puts a damper on that special time like really horrid smelling panting or kisses. What is causing this bad breath otherwise known as halitosis?

Should you pursue Veterinary Acupuncture for your pet?
Veterinary acupuncture is a safe alternative or addition to western medical therapies. The goal of acupuncture is to promote the body to heal itself.