Intestinal Parasite Symptoms In Pets

Intestinal parasite infection is extremely common in dogs and cats. Intestinal parasites live in your pet's environment, including in the soil found in your neighborhood, dog parks and backyard, and can potentially be transmitted to humans. Parasites can be difficult to detect, making regular screenings with our highly trained veterinary team your pet's best defense against infection.
At Hope Springs, we're committed to consistently and effectively screening for intestinal parasites in dogs and cats as the best means of preventing complications associated with infection. Our veterinary team follows the CDC guidelines for intestinal parasite screening, recommending that we check your pet every 6 months. During your pet's screening, we will test for roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, giardia and coccidian, carefully looking for microscopic eggs, which may be undetected in your pet's stool.
Intestinal parasite symptoms in pets may vary. Some pets may present no visible signs of infection, while other pets may display more common symptoms or problems, such as:
- Dull coat
- Poor growth (young pets)
- Diarrhea
- Thin or malnourished looking
- Respiratory issues
- Anemia onset through blood loss
Caring for your pet once parasites have been detected requires specialized treatment. Our veterinary team will recommend an intestinal parasite treatment for your pet that may include medications to both treat and prevent the further spread of parasites in your pet, and in your home and family. Intestinal parasites are more than a common discomfort, and should be taken seriously. Over time, they can cause serious illnesses and disease in your pet that may greatly impact your pet's quality of life, and overall health.
Ask us how we can get your pet on an effective, proactive path to intestinal parasite prevention and treatment, today!
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